Strength Found: Program for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
A program for adults who were sexually abused as children
Call: 613-763-5332 | Toll-free: 866-239-0558
Find your Community. Process Trauma. Become Empowered.
Strength Found is a survivor-led program that provides survivors of childhood sexual abuse with support in a safe space. It’s a place where you can push back against the feelings of isolation with others who have gone through similar situations. Through facilitated discussions (online or offline), you’ll learn about the impact of child sexual abuse and will be given tools to develop or enhance positive coping skills. People of all gender identities are welcome and there is no cost to become a member and participate in programs.
Programs include a 15-week peer support group, 1:1 peer support, various workshops and social activities. Read on to learn more.
Seeking support?
An intake is required in order to become a member of Strength Found and participate in programming. The first step is to fill out the registration form below. Once your form has been submitted you will then be contacted for intake.
Peer Support
The team at Voice Found includes people who are accredited peer support workers through Peer Support Canada. We adhere to the national Standards of Practice consisting of knowledge, competencies, experience, and code of conduct requirements to effectively provide peer support services with due care and skill. Peer supporters receive ongoing training to ensure effective and ethical support.
15 Week Peer Group Program
Through facilitated discussions, participants will learn about the impact of child sexual abuse and be given tools to develop or enhance positive coping skills.
Each week we will explore a different topic or theme. These include: triggers, moving out of isolation into inclusion, anger, inner child, (re)establishing healthy boundaries, sexuality, loss and grief, addictions, flashbacks and grounding techniques, PTSD, neuroplasticity.
You must be 18 years or older to attend the program and have a history of child sexual abuse. We have two programs - one for males and one for females.
The program runs one day a week for 15 weeks. Depending on demand, we run daytime and evening programs. We keep our calendar updated so you can see when the next cohort is forming.
1:1 Peer Support
We provide 1:1 peer support for members of Strength Found. This is a supportive relationship between people who have a lived experience in common. It is based on the belief that people who have faced, endured and overcome adversity can offer useful support, hope and encouragement to others who are facing similar situations.
This short term, one to one support helps participants as they move forward in their healing. It helps to reduce stress and increases resilience by breaking things down into manageable pieces.
The first step to participating in any Strength Found programs or services is to become a ‘member’. Simply complete the registration form below. Once it’s been submitted you will be contacted for an intake. We ask that you give us 3 business days to contact you.
We are always looking for volunteer peer support group facilitators. Information can be found on our volunteer page.
Sharing time with others is an important part of recovery. It is in community that some of the best healing takes place.
Workshops and Social Activities
In addition to our 15-week group program and 1:1 peer support, we offer occasional workshops and social activities.
Regular social activities include:
Chill and Chat. On the first Wednesday of each month we gather together for coffee/tea and treats. It’s a time to socialize with other members and simply chill.
Serenity Garden. Each winter we begin sowing seeds in anticipation of planting season. Once the ground is ready, we gather to prepare the soil and plant a variety of vegetables at our full size (900 X 1000 square feet) garden. Over the spring and summer there are plenty of opportunities to tend to the garden in anticipation of harvest. The health benefits of gardening are many.
Some of the workshops we’ve offered in the past include:
Judicial Process for Survivors
Sexual Intimacy
Letting Go so You Can Thrive
Embodied Yoga Therapy
A Conversation About Suicide
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Empowering Stitching
Support for family and friends
We offer a bilingual, monthly support group for family and friends of survivors of childhood sexual abuse who receive services through Strength Found. The goal of this group is to help you to understand the impact that the abuse has had on your loved one. Together we explore challenges, experiences, and topics that help you to understand and navigate various situations that may arise in your relationships.
Some of the topics discussed include; the impact of trauma, grounding techniques, anger, guilt, shame, triggers, and boundaries.
These sessions are facilitated by Lucie Bruneau, Program Manager, Strength Found who is a certified peer supporter. Only those whose loved ones have received (or are receiving) services are able to participate. All programs and groups are confidential, non-judgemental, and delivered in a safe environment.
The first step to participating in the Family and Friends support group is to complete the registration form.
Strength Found Events and Program Dates
Frequently asked questions
We offer 1:1 peer support by appointment.
Contact lucie@voicefound.ca for information.
We know that in Canada, 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday. We also know that only about 5% are reported to police and that many children carry the secret of their abuse into adulthood.
Recovering from the complex trauma of what was done to them as a child requires appropriate support.
Sadly, many survivors do not get the support they need as it is either not available or they do not have the means. This program makes healing accessible to all.
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) are the cause of many of society’s most pressing health problems.
These problems contribute to the astronomical and consistently rising costs of health care, as well as tremendous social costs in morbidity, mortality and quality of life.
In fact, the ACE Study uncovered a stunning link between childhood trauma and the chronic diseases people develop as adults, as well as social and emotional problems. This includes heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes and many autoimmune diseases, as well as depression, violence, being a victim of violence, and suicide.
Survivors of childhood sexual abuse are at greater risk of developing problems with alcohol and other drugs to ‘numb the pain’ and may be more likely to start using substances at a younger age.
There is also a link between response to childhood sexual abuse (such as depression, low self-esteem or post-traumatic stress disorder) and the risk of experiencing problems with substances.
At no time do we ask for or need details.
You share what you are comfortable with. In group settings we discourage story telling as it can be triggering to others.
What happened to you is important, and we honour that, but our focus is on healing.
Programs are delivered both virtually and in-person at our office. Location is provided as required.
There are opportunities to volunteer in a few capacities.
Check out our Volunteer page for more information.
Most of the services are offered in both official languages.
This includes 1:1 Peer Support and Peer Support Groups.
Some workshops may not be available in both languages but this is noted.

We are grateful for the support of Pathy Family Foundation who made this important program possible and continues to support our work.