Charity Fundraising: Help Us Raise Funds.
Tools and ideas to help us raise funds.
Canada Helps
Canada Helps provides you with the ability to create a fundraiser and it’s really quite simple. We’ve had people seek donations for their birthdays, as wedding gifts, in memory of loved ones or just because. Follow these steps to create your campaign through Canada Helps:
Go to Canada Helps ↗
Create an account.
Search for Voice Found as your charity
Away you go!
Donations come directly to us and tax receipts are issued to all donors.
Third Party Fundraisers
Put your event management or party planner hat on.
Fundraisers can be a lot of fun and there are so many ways to rally a group together and raise money. A fancy gala or an office potluck. No matter the scale every dollar is needed and appreciated. We’ve had people put together jewelry sales, clothes swaps, dances, art sales, concerts, bake sales and more with proceeds coming to Voice Found.
If you are planning a third party fundraiser, please contact us first with your idea. Any event with our name and logo needs our approval and as a registered charity, we need to ensure integrity of donations and receipting.
Send your email to info@voicefound.ca and we will be in touch.
Donate Securities
Take advantage of the added tax benefits of donations of securities or mutual funds.
Simply click on button below and complete the steps to make a donation of securities or mutual funds to Voice Found.
Facebook Fundraisers
Many people are using their Facebook pages to raise money for charitable causes. It’s easy and all funds come directly to us with no additional fees.