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EPS Training Cohort #4 - Week 4 - Understanding Trauma

Virtual synchronous classroom! During this time you will meet with other classmates, discuss the completed module, practice your skills, and enjoy facilitated discussion with your accredited peer support leader. At the end of class you will be provided with access to Module 4.

Module 4 - Understanding Trauma

  • Explain the Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn threat response

  • Understand the concept and symptoms of PTSD

  • Describe the effects of Toxic Stress on the body

  • Define the Window of Tolerance

  • List the stages of trauma processing

  • Understand trauma in the context of child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking

July 16

EPS Training Cohort #5 - Week 2 - Developing Self Awareness

July 23

EPS Training Cohort #5 - Week 3 - The Concept of Recovery